
Independent Cycling Media

Tour de Suisse Women Stage 2: Vollering wins the time trial

Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) turned around a 23″ deficit to win the individual time trial on Sunday in stage 2 of the Tour de Suisse Women. Coming in a close second was Elisa Longo Borghini (Lidl-Trek) at 18″, followed by Kim Cadzow (EF Education-Cannondaleat) at 26″.

“The last climb was very tough,” Vollering explained afterwards. “I know that I can run completely empty in the final of a time trial. I stopped looking at the power meter and just rode as fast as possible to the finish. You can make a lot of plans on such a tough climb, but in the end, it’s about getting the most out of yourself. I did that and luckily it was enough for the win.”

Vollering hopes the team can continue its success. in the two stages remaining. “The main task for our team will be not to let a big group get away in the next two days. We have good riders who can do well on the terrain of the next few days. For some riders in our team there are also chances for success here. I hope we can ride two more good stages here.”


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