
Independent Cycling Media

Paris-Roubaix Wrap Up

History has been written and the 2023 Paris-Roubaix winners, Mathieu van der Poel and Alison Jackson, are now amongst the legends and legacy that is L’Enfer Du Nord.

This year’s race did not disappoint, the men and women raced spectacularly and gave the fans more than their money’s worth in thrills and spills. The men’s race was notable not only for the two superstars – Van der Poel and Van Aert – but for being the fastest edition on record with an average speed of 46.84 kph (29.11 mph), beating the record set in 2022. The women’s race was equally noteworthy for it’s Canadian winner, and for the fact that the winning breakaway went early at kilometer 15 and held on for 130 kilometers right to the finish. Incredible!

For the women especially, Paris-Roubaix Femmes has become one of the best opportunities to showcase and grow women’s professional cycling. This event, along with the Tour de France Femmes, may be one of the most important events for the future of women’s cycling. As for the men, their race has increased in popularity year after year, with more in-person fans and TV viewers, and will continue to grow in popularity as it attracts more fans worldwide.

The organizers of Paris-Roubaix, Amaury Sports Organization (A.S.O.), which also organizes the Tour de France and many other renowned international sporting events, continues to innovate and be at the forefront in ensuring that Paris-Roubaix is a top notch event. In the future, we hope to see more fan-based interactive technologies like the augmented reality, Augmented Race 2022, introduced at last year’s Tour de France, as well as gaming experiences like the 2023 TdF “Collectibles” contest.

Until next year, here’s a wrap up and a look at some of the things that went on behind the scenes at the 2023 Paris-Roubaix.

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