
Independent Cycling Media

Paris-Roubaix Femmes: Surprise! It’s Alison Jackson!

Alison Jackson (EF Education-TIBCO-SVB) outpowered Katia Ragusa (Liv Racing) and Marthe Truyen (Fenix-Deceuninck) on the velodrome in Roubaix to become the winner of the 3rd edition of Paris-Roubaix Femmes.

For many, Alison Jackson was a long-shot for victory at Paris-Roubaix. At age 34, nobody expected Jackson to be more than just a number in the early 18-rider breakaway that took off after 25 kilometers. But it was Jackson who kept pushing and driving the breakaway to stay away from the chase group which came within 10 seconds of catching them.

In the end, it was a well-deserved victory for the Canadian who has shown potential in the past, but has never been able to nail down the Big One. What this victory means to Jackson for the rest of the season remains to be seen, but as in the Tour de France, where the wearer of the yellow jersey often ‘sprouts wings’ this Paris-Roubaix victory could very well give Jackson the wings she needs to be challenge the favorites.

Coming up: Does The Yellow Jersey Sprout Wings?


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