
Independent Cycling Media

CX World Championships: Canada’s Holmgren Twins Take 1st+2nd in Junior Event!

Early on, the Junior Women’s event proved to be one of the better edge-of-your-seat, nail-biters until bad luck walked in. The race unfolded with pre-favorite Lauren Molengraaf (NL) unexpectedly finding herself under pressure from Canadian twins, Ava and Isabella Holmgren. A riveting battle between Molengraaf and Canada’s Wonder Twins appeared imminent. However, as luck would have it, as it often does at World Championships, a puncture took Molengraaf out of the race at the half way mark and it was game over. Isabella Holmgren, who had a small gap on Molengraaf before her puncture, stayed away and took the win 20 seconds ahead of her sister, Ava. France’s Célia Gery was 3rd @47 seconds.
