
Independent Cycling Media

The gravel bike scene has exploded in the past few years to become one of the most popular and attractive alternatives to riding on the road. Gravel clubs, teams, and events have sprung up throughout North America and Europe by the hundreds. In our travels and through our network we recently discovered a number of incredible groups all devoted to gravel riding. We caught up with one of them in Spain, the Girona Gravel Girls, to find out more about who they are.

How did it all start for the Girona Gravel Girls? What was the spark?

GGG was set up by three passionate and experienced riders with an incredible knowledge of the local trails in and around Girona. They were all looking for a home just for females to ride, and when they saw none existed they decided to create GGG. We saw a lack of confidence and a fear of safety as the two main reasons why women don’t get on their bikes. With cycling traditionally being male-dominated, our group makes it less intimidating for inexperienced female cyclists to get out on the bike and get on the trail.

Girona Gravel Girls Founders, L-R: Anna Gibert, Helena Santacreu, Ester Barris. (photo: Girona Gravel Girls)

How many cyclists are there? And what’s their background?

Within just one year, GGG has grown to 90 cyclists, made up of those living in Girona but also those living further afield, looking for a community. GGG welcomes members from all nationalities and ages. GGG provides a great way for those moving to the cycling mecca, Girona, to integrate smoothly.

Girona Gravel Girls: building friendships and community. (photo: Girona Gravel Girls)

Does GGG have a mission or specific goals?

We mainly provide a home for female cyclists to gain experience, make new friends, and explore more of the beautiful province of Catalunya. But we also have guiding principles that help us stay true to our mission:

  • To be the main home for female gravel cyclists in and around Girona. 
  • To promote female cycling and gravel riding recreationally (with a bit of fun competition at times).
  • To provide a home that helps women cyclists improve their technique and confidence on their bike. 
  • To provide a fun and enjoyable community for women on and off the bike. 
  • To promote local businesses (cycling cafes, breweries, cycling gear, etc.)
  • To continue creating a safe and welcoming environment for riders of all levels to get out of their homes and onto their bikes. 
  • To promote and connect cycling with the Girona community. 
  • To help promote Girona as the cycling destination in the world.

Is there anything else about GGG you’d like to share with our readers?

Well, in the end, GGG is really about community. Our regular rides have become the highlight of many members’ social calendars. Incredible friendships have been created, support has been provided when needed, and lots of laughs experienced over post ride ‘refreshments.’  

The Girona Gravel Girls riding the gravel and exploring the beautiful province of Catalunya. (photo: Girona Gravel Girls)

Female cyclists in the Girona region who would like more information about the Girona Gravel Girls can contact the group through Instagram.