
Independent Cycling Media

Why You Should Consider Buying An E-Bike

Whether you live in a city, suburb, or rural area, you’ve probably witnessed at some point the e-bike phenomenon that is sweeping across North America and Europe. And maybe you’ve wondered what the big fuss is all about and why anyone would bother buying an e-bike? After all, aren’t bikes supposed to be pedaled?

So, even if you’re not thinking about buying an e-bike right now, we thought you should at least know why you might consider buying one in the future. To help you out, we’ve looked through the mountains of information online about e-bikes and simplified it down to 3 Reasons Why You Should Buy An E-Bike.

#1 Transportation

Ebikes are becoming the most efficient way to get around town.

Getting Around Town

In urban areas, getting around on an e-bike is a lot faster and more efficient than other modes of transportation. Getting to the store, café, restaurant, or to work is a breeze with an e-bike. And with an e-bike, there’s no more searching for parking spots or paying for a garage. Parking an e-bike is not only hassle-free, but free of charge.

Bicycle Lanes

One of the benefits of owning an e-bike is that it allows you to use dedicated bicycle lanes that regular bikes use. No more waiting in traffic jams or being caught up in road work and delays. Even if you live outside an urban area, e-bikes can still be a great advantage in helping you with your commute by providing an option in covering the ‘first and last mile’ to your public transportation.


You’ll find that commuting to work by e-bike is less of a hassle than by regular bike. With an e-bike, you’re going to sweat less, expend less energy, and arrive at your job fresher and drier than you would on a regular bike. The free E-bike guide book produced by Evelo Electric Bicycles notes that “one of the biggest drawbacks to using a [regular] bicycle for your daily commutes is showing up at your destination hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable.” With an e-bike, you can avoid the ordeal of having to mop up with a towel or waste valuable time in the company shower when you arrive at work and avoid any embarrassing situations.

#2 Save Money

Yearly Cost: Car vs. E-bike (source: reddit)

Cars vs. E-bikes

Another reason why you should buy an e-bike is the money you can save. Cars require insurance, registration, inspection, tires, maintenance and repairs, and fuel that make it far more expensive than the cost of owning an e-bike. The battery and electricity cost for an e-bike is far cheaper than a car.


The cost of keeping the battery charged on an e-bike is less than $0.50 per day.” Depending upon the e-bike you buy, you can travel for about 300 miles (500km) on an e-bike for about $1. And as far as distance and range, E-bikes have been shown in studies to be very practical up to 15 miles (24km), with new technologies stretching that range far beyond.

As veteran e-bike journalist Micah Toll notes, “it is ridiculously cheap to charge an electric bicycle, and they are ridiculously efficient. You likely won’t even notice a difference in your electricity bill from owning an electric bike – they simply barely use any energy.”

#3 Environment

Ebikes can reduce your carbon footprint and help save the environment.

Help Mother Nature

If nothing else, the best reason for buying an e-bike may simply be: Mother Nature. An e-bike is not only a good way to get around town and save money, it’s also a good way to protect and save the environment.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

As Graeme McLaughlin of Sustainability Times notes, one of the “biggest advantages of electric bikes is that they allow you to significantly reduce your fossil fuel consumption. By owning an e-bike, you can minimize greenhouse gas emissions and your overall carbon footprint.” A study in the UK determined that if everyone switched to an e-bike, the carbon footprint in the UK would be cut by 50%! That in itself may reason enough to buy an e-bike.

(source: Sustainability Statement Accell Annual Report, 2019.)

If our 3 reasons have swayed you and you’re ready to buy an e-bike, be sure to check out our free 2023 E-Bike Buyer’s Guide coming out soon.